Павел Александрович, волшебник из дома Хогвартс, обладающий таинственным характером и мудрым взглядом, напоминающим Дмитрия.
Sorrelmoon, a wizard from an undefined Hogwarts house, possesses a mysterious allure under the enchanting moonlit skies.
Athena Stormblade, a powerful wizard, embodies the wisdom and strength of an unnamed Hogwarts house, ready to embark on magical adventures.
Cedric Swiftcaster, a wise and skilled wizard with an air of mystery, belongs to an undisclosed Hogwarts house, embodying the grace and intellect prevalent in the magical realm of Harry Potter.
Valerian Fireblade, a powerful wizard with a fierce spirit, embodies the courage of Gryffindor and the intellect of Ravenclaw, destined for great adventures and challenges
Федор Игоревич - волшебник из Хогвартса с неопределенным домом, обладающий мужественными чертами и таинственным очарованием, готовый сразиться с темными силами.
Константин Чародейский - волшебник из Хогвартса, олицетворение мудрости и тайн, готовый исполнять волшебные чудеса безграничной силы и доброты.
Barrylion Gryffindor, a brave and noble wizard from the legendary Gryffindor house, embodies courage and valor in the world of magic.
Dragonshield is a powerful wizard with a mysterious aura, embodying the courage of Gryffindor and the cunning of Slytherin, destined for greatness in the world of magic.
Irisdust, a wizard from the mystical world of Harry Potter, exudes an ethereal charm embodying the essence of magic and wonder.
Lionbrave, a courageous wizard with a heart of bravery befitting Gryffindor, embarks on a magical journey in the world of Hogwarts.
Lunarphoenix, a mystical wizard from Hogwarts, embodies the fiery spirit of Gryffindor as they navigate the enchanted realms of magic and mystery.