Лев Михайлович Эрекеев – волшебник из дома Хогвартса с уникальными чертами мужественности и умения командовать, вдохновляя своим обаянием и магическим талантом.
A courageous wizard named Braveros, embodying the spirit of bravery and honor with an unassigned Hogwarts House.
Gryphius Firebane is a powerful wizard whose fiery spirit embodies the courage and determination of Gryffindor house in the magical realm of Harry Potter.
Branca Valdez é uma bruxa misteriosa, cuja magia envolve segredos antigos e poderes encantadores, aguardando a sua jornada em Hogwarts.
Valorius Gryffinsight is a courageous wizard, embodying the spirit of Gryffindor with exceptional magical prowess and a strong commitment to justice.
Gryffindorius Thunderglow, a powerful wizard from the renowned Gryffindor house, shines with bravery and resilience in the magical realm of Hogwarts.
火焔 未来は魔法使いで、謎めいた魔法の力を秘めた存在です。
Marcelo Oliveira é um bruxo misterioso, cuja magia ecoa pelos corredores de Hogwarts com elegância e sabedoria, sem uma casa definida.