Павел Александрович, волшебник из дома Хогвартс, обладающий таинственным характером и мудрым взглядом, напоминающим Дмитрия.
Dragonshield is a powerful wizard with a mysterious aura, embodying the courage of Gryffindor and the cunning of Slytherin, destined for greatness in the world of magic.
Борис Валерьевич - волшебник из дома Хогвартса, выделяющийся своей творческой силой и умением создавать удивительные заклинания.
Selene Starwind, a wise and mysterious wizardess, bears a name as luminous as the stars, hinting at her affinity for celestial magic.
Irisdust, a wizard from the mystical world of Harry Potter, exudes an ethereal charm embodying the essence of magic and wonder.
Sorrelmoon, a wizard from an undefined Hogwarts house, possesses a mysterious allure under the enchanting moonlit skies.
Никита Владимирович - волшебник из школы Хогвартс, чья сущность пропитана характерными чертами гендера и дома, создавая уникальный образ в мире Гарри Поттера.
Ariana Dragonheart, a wise and mysterious wizard from the magical world, embodies the noble spirit of Gryffindor while wielding the power of ancient dragon magic.
Valerian Fireblade, a powerful wizard with a fierce spirit, embodies the courage of Gryffindor and the intellect of Ravenclaw, destined for great adventures and challenges
Leonel Bravogante, um bruxo corajoso e destemido, cujas habilidades mágicas transcendem as barreiras da realidade, enquanto desvenda os segredos da casa de Hogwarts, trazendo mistério e aventura ao universo mágico de Geovanna Santos.
Barryheart is a mysterious and powerful wizard whose name reflects his courageous spirit and connection to the depths of magic, embodying the essence of bravery and wisdom in the wizarding world.
Proudspirit, a wise and mysterious wizard hailing from an undefined Hogwarts house, exudes an aura of enchantment and intrigue that captivates all who encounter him.