Павел Александрович, волшебник из дома Хогвартс, обладающий таинственным характером и мудрым взглядом, напоминающим Дмитрия.
Cedric Swiftcaster, a wise and skilled wizard with an air of mystery, belongs to an undisclosed Hogwarts house, embodying the grace and intellect prevalent in the magical realm of Harry Potter.
Ariana Dragonheart, a wise and mysterious wizard from the magical world, embodies the noble spirit of Gryffindor while wielding the power of ancient dragon magic.
Lumine Gryffindor is a courageous wizard with a fiery spirit, embodying the values of bravery and chivalry at Hogwarts.
Athena Stormblade, a powerful wizard, embodies the wisdom and strength of an unnamed Hogwarts house, ready to embark on magical adventures.
Sorrelmoon, a wizard from an undefined Hogwarts house, possesses a mysterious allure under the enchanting moonlit skies.
Иванович Яков - волшебник из дома Хогвартса, выполняющий свои заклинания с мудростью Дмитрий.
Barryheart is a mysterious and powerful wizard whose name reflects his courageous spirit and connection to the depths of magic, embodying the essence of bravery and wisdom in the wizarding world.
Wisebeard, a wise wizard with a penchant for ancient spells, embodies the wisdom and mystique of Ravenclaw, reflecting a profound intellect and a deep connection to magical knowledge.
Надежда Львица, волшебник из Хогвартс, чье обаяние и мудрость льва вдохновляют других в мире волшебства.