Змееплам Колдунович - волшебник из дома Хогвартса, чей характер олицетворяет страсть и силу огня, пылающего в его сердце.
Benedict Darkthorn, a wise wizard with an air of mystery, embodies the noble virtues of Ravenclaw as he delves into the depths of magical knowledge.
Narcissa Vandercharisma, a wizard with an air of elegance and charm, embodies the grace and allure of Slytherin, weaving spells with finesse and mystique.
Oliver Vandergloom, a wise and mysterious wizard hailing from an unknown Hogwarts house, embodies the enchanting allure of magic and whimsy in the wizarding world.
Ollivander Vipereyes is a mysterious wizard with a keen eye for magical artifacts, embodying the cunning and ambition of Slytherin, while his name adds a touch of enchantment to all who hear it.
Bellatrix Darkamber is a powerful wizard with a mysterious aura, embodying the brilliance of Ravenclaw and the cunning of Slytherin in equal measure.
Evelynne Darkthorn, a wise and mysterious wizard of unknown Hogwarts house, carries a hint of darkness in her name, promising a journey through enchanted shadows.
Ollivander Shadowthorn, a mysterious wizard whose name echoes the whispering shadows, is destined to uncover secrets and wield powerful magic in the enchanting realm of Harry Potter.